Minerals C

Blue Calcite
Blue calcite is a soft stone that provides recovery and relaxation, reduces pain, calms the nerves, lifts anxiety and releases negative emotions. He improves communication. It is a stone that provides relief when we have taken on too much and the pressure on our shoulders becomes too heavy.
Chakra: 5th
Location: Madagascar, Great Britain, Brazil, USA…

Green Calcite
Green calcite soothes suffering, sadness and a broken heart. It helps us let go of what is familiar but no longer useful. Helps us turn our ideas into action. It makes us positive and optimistic and brings the emotions back into balance.
Chakra: 4th
Location: Mexico

Honey Calcite
Honey Calcite gives you security; promotes a secure, optimistic attitude to life. It helps you to trust your feelings. Stimulates digestion, metabolism and excretion.
Chakra: 2nd and 3rd
Location: Brazil, Peru, USA....

Orange Calcite
Orange calcite is a cleansing and energizing stone for the lower chakras. It balances emotions, dispels anxiety and overcomes depression. It gives self-confidence and confidence in our own abilities. It makes us optimistic without losing sight of reality.
Chakra: 2nd and 3rd
Location: Mexico, Brazil, Peru, USA....

Cappuccino Jasper
Like the other Jasper species, the Jasper Cappuccino also has grounding properties and helps to get more in touch with the physical world and feel centered. It is a stone of stability that can help strengthen inner strength and promote emotional stability. It stimulates vitality and can help with fatigue and exhaustion, promoting a feeling of strength and motivation. It is a protective stone that can promote self-confidence and a positive self-image. It strengthens courage and determination and helps you overcome obstacles and pursue goals.
Chakra: 1st, 2nd

Carnelian is a very cheerful mineral, full of life force and vitality. It gives you courage and decisiveness and ensures a good mood. Carnelian is good for the base and sacral chakras. It stimulates our creativity and creative ability. He helps us solve our problems.
Chakra: 1st and 2nd
Location: Madagascar, India, Brazil…

Celestien is an angel stone that purifies us from everything that bothers us and then gives us new life force. It has a relaxing, decongestant effect and promotes an optimistic attitude to life. He brings structure to our lives. It enhances creativity and fluent communication. Celestien does not like water and sun.
Chakra: All chakras but especially the 5th, 6th and 7th
Location: Madagascar...

Chalcedony helps you to accept a new situation and break down any resistance. It brings inner peace and creates harmony between mind, body, emotions and soul. It transforms melancholy into joy, increases self-confidence and removes negative thoughts.
Chakra: 5th
Location: Great Britain, Brazil, United States, Turkey and the Czech Republic.

Charoite is a stone of transformation and transforms negative energy into healing. It cleanses the aura and is good for the heart and crown chakra. It helps you accept others more easily and reduces anxiety. Charoite gives you strength and spontaneity and reduces stress. It protects us from negative influences from others. In case of exhaustion it gives the body energy back. Charoite does not like water very much.
Chakra: 4th, 6th and 7th
Location: Siberia

Chiastolite is a protective and insightful stone that brings inner peace and balance. He gives you insight into who you really are and what your purpose in life is. It is protective against curses and cleanses and strengthens your aura. Chiastolite provides inner peace and brings balance and harmony, it reduces fears and ensures that negative thoughts and emotions no longer have a grip on you. Chiastolite supports you in making choices when you are at a crossroads in your life.
Chakra: all but especially 1st
Location: Spain, Australia, Russia, Brazil, Austria

Chrome Chalcedony
Chromium Chalcedony is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. It can help promote loving relationships and release resentments and negative emotions. A good stone for stimulating the heart chakra. A stone that can bring inner peace and tranquility. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote positive emotions such as joy, hope and optimism, and dispel negative thoughts and feelings of depression. It helps you build healthy self-esteem and reduce self-criticism. Chrome Chalcedony can also stimulate your creativity.
Chakra: 4th
Location: South Africa, Brazil, Russia

Chrysocolla makes us sensitive to the beauty of our hearts and nature. It removes negative energy in the house and strengthens our inner strength. Calms and cleanses all chakras. Dispels negativity and provides motivation when you need it.
Chakra: All
Location: Namibia, USA, Russia, Australia

Citrine is a stone that carries the power of the sun, warming, cleansing, protective. It enhances creativity. It is the stone of abundance, success and prosperity. He gives you joy and drives away despair and negativism. Citrine increases self-confidence, stimulates self-expression and teaches you to look ahead positively.
It is one of the stones that you should not cleanse, it does not retain negative information.
Chakra: All but especially 3rd
Location: Brazil, Congo, Madagascar...

Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate is a grounding and cleansing stone that helps you to live life in a lighter and spontaneous way. It brings balance and gives a lot of strength. It has a calming effect, increases your consciousness and connects you with your higher self. It strengthens self-confidence, breaks linearity and stimulates your creativity. He shows you the bright side of life and gives you more zest for life.
Chakra: 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Location: Brazil, Uruguay and United States

Chlorite quartz
Chlorite Quartz can be used to purify negative energies and transform them into positive ones. It stands for spiritual growth and awareness. This stone is often used to promote inner balance and harmony. It is a grounding stone that can help connect with the earth and promote stability and security. It can help cleanse the body and mind. Chlorite Quartz promotes clear communication and can help express thoughts and feelings in a loving and understanding way.
Chakra: 4th
Location: Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, USA